“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine an puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock” ~Matthew 7:24 (NIV)

The CRAVE approach utilizes mindful practices and techniques that integrate body, mind, and spirit to change self-defeating habits and behaviors. By engaging the real-time coaching tool (describe below), you can halt the downward spiral of a habit in seconds.

Once you have pushed pause on the behavior by pushing play on the tool, you can then make a conscious choice to do something different. Something healthier. Something better.

The CRAVE coach is a digital tool based on a five-tier framework of choices; each one builds on the one before. The goal is to help you when you need it most. To provide support when you at your weakest. To place a hand on your back and lead you through the temptation so you can stop the downward spiral and set off in a new direction.

The five choices are based on the acronym: C-R-A-V-E. This will help ensure it’s easy to remember when you need it most.

C—Choose to stop the spiral and make a better choice

R—Resist the impulse to seek pleasure or avoid pain

A—Act quickly and take one brave step in the right direction

V—Visualize the life you want free from this craving

E—Engage in a healthier habit for at least five minutes

This digital tool takes less than a minute of your time but can make the difference in what you choose to do in a moment of temptation, tension, or impulse.

Please remember, practice makes progress, not perfection. This is important to consider in the realm of behavior change because change is hard. It goes against our human inclination to follow the path of least resistance especially in the frenzied, stress induced lives we currently live.

Will you always make the better choice? No. You won’t. Neither will I. But don’t get stuck there. Refuse to let short-term loss keep you from long term gain. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Dust off the disappointment and carry on.

Embrace progress and celebrate the little wins along the way. 

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Discover & Discuss

  • How can you make this tool easy to access when you need it most? Place a link on your smart device. Set a reminder. Get creative.
  • Make a commitment to use it for a specific time (1 day, 1 week, 1 month). Whatever you choose, make a decision to stick to it even when it’s hard.
  • How can you make this practice a part of your daily routine.