Proverbs 10:25; When the whirlwind passes, the wicked is no more, But the righteous has an everlasting foundation.

Gosh, I love a good storm, don’t you? The kind where the rain pelts the windows and the thunder peels through the wind. That is, when I am hemmed in by the safety of thick walls and a sturdy roof over my head. Even better when I am curled up in a cozy blanket, a cup of tea in one hand and a good book in the other.

However, I can’t say that I particularly care for the storms that ravage my life. The kind that wreck my circumstances or ruin my relationships. These life-storms are most definitely the kind of storms I do not enjoy. And I would bank on the fact that you don’t either.

Although the storms of our present-day life probably look quite different than the ones they experienced back in the days of the Bible, they represent the same kind of destruction and disappointment. Even so, these storms have lessons for life hidden in the wreckage if we are willing to search for them like Jonah, the Apostles, and Paul did.

Don’t miss the principle of Proverbs 10:25. Learn the lesson of the storm and it will steady you in the next one. Literally. 

We have two choices when we face life-storms: grumble or grow. Those that choose to see God in the storm will always grow in faith and wisdom, both of which build a stronger foundation than before the storm.

How do we do this best? We make room for God to speak His truth into our storm. Listen to the whispers in the wind. Heed the call to courage and persevere. Set your face like flint to do His will despite the uncertainty swirling about.

We can see this clearly through stories of storms in the Bible as they reveal powerful lessons of God’s divine protection, provision, and purpose all of which were grown in the soil of personal experience.

Jonah’s storm came about as a result of running from God’s call. Consequently, he learned the power of providence. The apostles experienced a storm on the Sea of Galilee. They learned the power of God’s protection. Paul and those aboard a ship headed for Rome were were in a storm that shipwrecked their boat but because of what they experienced they learned the power of God’s purpose.

In each situation, God revealed His providence, protection, and purpose. And like those that have gone before us, if we are willing to be students of our storms as they were, we will discover a stronger foundation to stand on when the next storm threatens to unleash its fury. 

Be bold. Be brave. Be free. And be a student of your storm.

Discover & Discuss

  • What lesson do you think God is trying to teach you from the storm you are in right now?
  • Why do you think this lesson is important to your life?
  • What is your response to this lesson? How can you craft a testimony as a result?