2 Timothy 1:7; For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

Here at Beyond The Craving we are all about taking action. Putting one brave foot in front of the other. But all too often we get stuck, backslide into old habits, or just forget to try. 

Breaking bad habits, managing anxiety, and overcoming addiction requires action. But taking action on something we want to change doesn’t come easy. It will take a firm commitment, sweat equity, and allowing God to be our source of power because relying solely on our own strength will never be enough to sustain any kind of lasting change. 

Giving God control at the onset of temptation is a choice, an act of surrender. And although surrender feels like a bit of a downer, it is a necessary precursor and the most important component of change as it postures us to access more power than what we can produce on our own. 

Simply put, surrender yields one source of power for another to help us persevere through the physical discomfort, mental anguish, and spiritual warfare that is sure to come when changing behaviors or thought patterns that have grown roots of negativity in our life. 

No doubt, surrendering to God’s power isn’t easy in this moment. But don’t let inaction linger too long in your thoughts. Invite God into the process quickly knowing that connecting to Him as your power source will give you what you need to steady you in the storm of indecision and move you to action.

If this is a struggle for you, let me encourage you to say it out loud. It can be as simple as, “Lord, help me.” By doing this, you are inviting His power to take center stage and help you take one brave step forward.

At first, determining what step to take might feel overwhelming. And that is okay. Stepping out of our fear and into freedom is our goal. You can do this. God has equipped you with all that you need to endure the moment and make a different and better choice. All you have to do is take that first brave step from fear into faith. 

In these moments of great precipice, when we are overwhelmed by the tug of temptation or are experiencing a debilitating surge of anxiety, call on God’s good resources of power, love, and self-control. Don’t let fear or present circumstances derail your efforts. Stop, pray, and proceed.

Keep in mind, God is a good guide. Although He sees the big picture, He leads us one step at a time. Our job is to follow Him. So be on the lookout for the next step and be quick to take it. 

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Discover & Discuss

  • What do you fear the most about taking the first brave step out of fear and into faith?
  • How can you take one step today that will point you in the right direction?
  • Be intentional about inviting God into the moment and asking for help. Consider using the scripture verse above as a prompt.