Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Ambiguity is a real fact of life. We weave in and out of circumstances shifting from one uncertain foot to the other. Given that uncertainty in this life is certain, can you trust God when His direction for you is unclear?

The Practice of surrender is a tough one. I won’t sugar coat it. It requires humility, not inherent to our human nature. Instead, we need to lean into our spiritual nature and assume the level of trust needed to surrender our will over to His.

Something happens, almost simultaneously and equally imperceptible: grief. There’s a moment of grief you will have to pass through and accept on your way to surrender. Even though this doesn’t sound appealing, it’s important to know that this grief is good. It opens the door and allows room for God. 

Soon enough, you’ll discover this grief is over nothing more than counterfeit control. But boy do we put a high value on control—counterfeit or not. And because of this, letting go is a bit of a free-fall. It’s like a trapeze artist who has to let go of one bar in mid air and grab onto another. This act takes trust and a commitment to give over without giving up. 

Some of our biggest battles in life will be over a need to control people and situations that we just ultimately can’t control. Try as we might, we spin and spiral only to find ourselves in the same spot and more frustrated than before.

If you don’t own this part of yourself, it will surely own you. Challenge yourself this week to stop the spiral of counterfeit control with surrender. Choose trust, then let go knowing His strong and mighty hands will catch you and set you on the path designed just for you.

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Discover & Discuss

  • Do you struggle with counterfeit control?
  • What area of control is hardest to let go of?
  • Do you trust God to show you the way?