If you speak good words rather than worthless ones, you will be my spokesman. You must influence them; do not let them influence you (Jeremiah 15:19) 

We’ve all heard the term Influencer. It paints a chic, powerful, and effective image, doesn’t it? Today we are going to tap into the power of influence and use it to impact our thought life. 

So what is in your thought bubble? The story you tell yourself. Are your words hostile and limiting? Or encouraging and true? Every thought is a cluster of words that writes itself into a story. These stories play on repeat and often reinforce our habits.

Our scripture tells us we can influence our thoughts by choosing the words that pop up in our thought bubble.  So changing the script can, and will, change our behavior. 

The question is: how bad do you want to change? This is a tough ask because human nature almost dictates that we follow the path of least resistance. We tend to take the easy wrong when the harder right is within reach. This means we stay the same and let the change we want fall by the wayside until the next time we get inspired to try.

Honestly, it’s easier to believe the lie that holds us captive instead of the truth that sets us free. Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” This is a clear picture of how much power the quiet words we say to ourselves influence our thought life.

Our challenge for this week is to become a more effective influencer over our thoughts. But it requires us to re-write some stories.

Start with an inventory. Isolate one story you are telling yourself and re-write it with a truth God has given you to stand firm on. Practice it. Proclaim it. Use it in your thought bubble to dismantle any lie that is keeping you stuck.

Be bold. Be brave. Be free. 

Discover & Discuss

  • What thought keeps you stuck?
  • Claim one truth from God’s word to stand on.
  • Use this truth daily until it becomes your new and improved script.