Using a dull ax requires great strength, so sharpen the blade. That’s the value of wisdom; it helps you succeed (Ecclesiastes 10:10) 

Self-awareness is key to changing hard-wired habits, addictions, or managing anxiety that keeps us locked up. Without it we will fall back into negative patterns and undesirable behaviors quickly. And yet, this kind of introspection can be hard to come by in the fast paced lives we live. So this week I’d like to challenge us to lean in, listen, and learn by asking 3 questions:

  1. What do you really want to change?
  2. Why do you want to make this change?
  3. What’s one small step you can make this week? 

By asking ourselves these questions, we create room for reflection. This allows us to lean in and take an honest look at what we are doing and why we are doing it. 

This type of focused internal vetting, although sometimes painful and often difficult, sharpens the blade of wisdom and gives us a greater breadth of knowledge to work from. This helps us work smarter, not harder toward the changes we want to make. 

Undoubtedly, these questions can be applied in many situations. Use them to clarify the target and simplify the work you want to do. Keep in mind, this isn’t a sprint. We are on a journey to live a better life of integrity and purpose. 

Practicing progress not perfection must be the intention. Why? Because growth is our ultimate goal. By being clear with our intention and kind with our assessments we simplify the task of self-awareness. 

Resist anxious impulses and negative thoughts that shame you back into places of defeat. You are capable of doing this work. Give it a try. Create a little space today to lean in, listen, and learn. I promise this will bring you one step closer to the change you want to make. 

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Discover & Discuss

  • What can you do less of so you can step more fully into the spaces of life that matter most?
  • Practice a deeper level of self-awareness this week with the 3 questions above.
  • Process insights with a trusted friend or write down what you learned.