Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends ~Proverbs 17:9

As we continue our journey to build a faith-styled life we are on track this week to unpack the second foundational habit: Forgiveness.  

Forgiveness is as much a test of our faith as it is our capacity to love because, as social beings, we are wired for relationships. However, we are wise to remember that there are no perfect people. 

Yet, even knowing this we still find it hard to see past someone else flaws. Instead, we dwell on them and take the hit as a personal attack. This type of reaction keeps us stuck in the cycle of hurt feelings, bitterness, and broken relationships.

The remedy starts with our willingness to practice love even when it’s unwarranted. To take a risk and see past the pain to a much greater purpose. But how do we love people who have hurt us? 

We remember the gift of forgiveness God has given us. Truly, it is the answer to our human condition and the only way to freedom. Freedom to love without strings, live without contradiction, and to allow others to do the same.

Because of this, forgiveness is a complicated act of love in response to God’s example of grace. First, it’s a decision; then, a sacrifice. Simply put, forgiveness is an opportunity to regift what God has given us. 

Even so, people will continue to do and say hurtful things. This is just a fact. But let’s be people of the promise and practice love over our longing for a reckoning. After all, judgment and justice are in God’s court, and He will have the final word.

This week, when you are challenged to practice love and extend forgiveness, remember the value it holds to heal, the valor it takes to make such a sacrifice, and the power it has to set you free.

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Tell Me More:

  1. Do you have a wound that needs to heal?
  2. Do you believe forgiveness in this situation could offer healing to you or some part of you?

(3)  Can you start the process of reconciliation without the expectation of resolution?