The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth ~Psalm 145:18

This week we are unpacking our seventh and final FaithStyle habit: Prayer. All the FaithStyle habits are foundational to a well-lived life and the habit of prayer is no exception. Prayer is more than a practice, it is a relationship builder.

I think sometimes we make this harder than it needs to be. Prayer is first and foremost a conversation between you and God. It requires intention and a posture of worship. By surrendering your time, pride, agenda, and the need to be right you are professing your faith by putting it into action.

With practice prayer is a form of spiritual fitness and making time every day to pray will work to strengthen our faith muscle. If we don’t practice our faith through prayer, this muscle will atrophy and weaken our resolve to fight the good fight of faith and finish strong when things get tough.

As our relationship with God gets stronger we spend more time asking questions and seeking answers. We want direction, comfort, and most importantly connection with our creator. God is good for all of this. He created us not just to multiply and fill the earth but to commune with us, connect, and care for our needs.

Remember prayer is a partnership. By building a habit of prayer, you invite God to walk with you through whatever life brings: pleasures, disappointments, hardships, adventures. Now more than ever life is hard and unpredictable. When we lean into prayer His presence can bring us peace even in the most dire of situations.

Prayer is putting faith into practice. Don’t wait any longer, start the conversation today. 

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Tell Me More:

  1. When you view prayer as a conversation with God, how does it change the way you pray?
  2. Pick a time of day that you think you can commit to praying at least 5-10 minutes and protect it.
  3. Whether you pray out loud, quietly, or journal your prayers make a point to ask questions and take time to listen to the still small voice beckoning you toward wisdom.