It is for freedom that Christ set us free, stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery ~Galatians 5:1

We all have habits we want to break. This struggle is a natural bent of our human condition. We seek to satisfy cravings and alleviate feelings of discomfort with all matter of things that will never do the job and in the end, leave us feeling more empty than before.

The problem with a bad habit is that it gains momentum as long as we have it set to autopilot. So much so that if we aren’t careful to flip the switch and learn a new way to navigate our reliance on it, we will run aground—frustrated and spent at the expense of indifference and ineffectiveness. 

And yet, the best-laid plans will fall short of the mark if we don’t institute our basic right as a Christian and exercise our faith. Only then do we have what we need to stand firm in God’s power.

Even so, standing firm in God’s power, not our own, is as pivotal to our freedom as it is a problem because it’s not easy to do.

The decision to stand firm in any fight takes energy. You may even feel the effects of emotional whiplash which can be uncomfortable, if not painful. This is when you will need to lean into the fear and hang on tight to your faith. Rest assured, these feelings will dissipate as you move through the moment. 

Is there a change you want to make in this season of life? Perhaps, breaking a bad habit that is keeping you stuck in a cycle of defeat or simply building a better habit that will produce better fruit. Take some time today and decide what you need to do to help you stand firm in the fight.

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Tell Me More:

  1. What causes you to bail when the fight gets tough?
  2. How can you lean into the fear and hang onto your faith in this moment? 
  3. Ask God for a simple prompt to help you exercise your faith and stand firm in the fight.