The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds ~ 2 Corinthians 10:4

Have you ever noticed that it’s hard to get past the first three days of changing a habit? I call it the three-day stretch. 

The first day we feel strong, excited, expectant. Our resolve is at an all-time high. The second day feels like more of a struggle. Our will starts to wane and we seek the comfort of familiar. The third day we are hanging by a thread, emotionally exhausted, and lack the energy to fight any longer. 

Our best chance for success in the three-day stretch is when we use the weapons at our disposal to help us turn knowledge into action.

Welcome to your weapons, mighty warrior!

  • FAITH fights fear.
  • TRUTH challenges negative thoughts.
  • OBEDIENCE stops a downward spiral.
  • WISDOM tempers impulse.
  • SALVATION satisfies our deepest needs.

We have these divine weapons at our disposal, but if we don’t know how to use them they will be useless to us. Knowing them is one thing. Learning how to use them is quite another.

Fortunately, we live in the age of technology where access to scripture is at our fingertips. The goal is to gather ammunition. Assimilating these weapons into our battle strategy will be invaluable to get us through the three-day stretch.

God’s word has the power to decimate any stronghold that threatens to take us captive. But we must know it in order to lock and load it.

This will take a little time on the clock but well worth it. For starters choose a few scriptures to help you build a foundation of truth that is targeted for your specific battle and write them as affirmations.

With practice, the weapon of God’s Word will stand not only as proof but with great power to position you to walk in victory. Keep in mind—where our power fails, His power prevails.

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Tell Me More:

  1. Take time to investigate each spiritual weapon listed above.
  2. Keep it simple. Search for one scripture and write it as an affirmation. 
  3. When the battle rages, use your weapon.