We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ ~2 Corinthians 10:5

Moment to moment our minds race with opinions, attitudes, and beliefs that either help or hurt us. If we don’t challenge the toxic thoughts that create negative narratives then we are sure to stay stuck in our unhealthy habits.

This week we will discover how to challenge these negative narratives because when our cravings are tied to toxic thoughts, charged emotions, and confining scripts we have little chance to change them unless we flip the script.

Flipping the script is a spiritual practice of challenging and changing a thought that continues to cripple us. Also known as thought swapping. It’s as simple as trading a toxic thought with a truth from God’s word.

But first, we have to stop the thought before it gets away. Capture it and challenge it by asking these questions: What story am I telling myself? Is it true? If not, how can I reframe it to align to the truth of God’s word?

Important to remember—what helped you survive as a kid might be holding you back as an adult. We have a tendency, as human beings, to fill the gaps of our narratives with whatever makes sense at the time. But replaying negative narratives will keep us stuck in old patterns.

Swapping out a toxic thought for one that has been reframed with God’s truth helps us take a step in a different direction because we are following a more positive playbook.

By testing our internal dialogue, we are more likely to flip the script in our favor. But we need to refute and reframe it. Use truth from scripture or ask God to help you write a new script.

This mental practice of flipping the script helps you change what you think so you can change what you do. Give it a try.

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Tell Me More:

  1. What story are you telling yourself? 
  2. Observe your thoughts. Practice capturing the one thought that is connected to your craving. 
  3. How can you reframe it to a more positive affirmation.