I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people ~ Ephesians 1:18

Whether we like it or not, we are in a battle, caught in the crosshairs of a diabolical struggle between faith and fear while our identity hangs in the balance. Yet, as children of God, and therefore spiritual beings, we have the assurance that we possess divine power to destroy any stronghold in our life that is holding us hostage. 

What is holding you hostage? Fear. Insecurity. Unforgiveness. Shame. Whatever it is you can change it. However, access to this type of power requires some core-level identity integration—integrating our personal uniqueness with our spiritual distinctiveness.

This type of identity integration can be challenging. It calls for courage, awareness, and faith. To do this you need to know who you are and who you can be. So who are you?

As human beings, we are wired with personality traits that influence how we experience life—personal uniqueness. But as spiritual beings, we are wired with divine power to navigate this life with wisdom beyond our own experience—spiritual distinctiveness.

Since you’ve lived your whole life developing your personal uniqueness it’s time to understand the power of your spiritual distinctiveness.

You are: chosen, forgiven, unconditionally loved, and accepted by God who continuously extends mercy, wisdom, and power on your behalf. Yep, you are all that!

Regrettably, some of us have lived in defeat for so long our identity is skewed toward the broken image of who we’ve become. As a result, we continue to self-destruct.

But we don’t have to. Knowing who you are in Christ and what you can do through His power will help to create the confidence you need to pursue and sustain difficult lifestyle and habitual changes.

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Tell Me More:

  1. Take time today to ask God for more power in your life. 
  2. What is the difference between your personal uniqueness and spiritual distinctiveness?
  3. Consider ways you can integrate your personal uniqueness and your spiritual distinctiveness to make the changes you want.