Be still and know that I am God ~Psalms 46:10

Most of life can be narrowed down and characterized by our choices. This is just a simple fact. Sometimes we are wise and intentional. And sometimes we are not. Sometimes we let our feelings run the show. And sometimes we override them and lean into a better truth. 

But it is often our reaction to a person, situation or event that triggers us to make a decision—be it wise or not. This dilemma is as old as Adam and Eve and yet, we are still struggling to learn the lesson of being present in the moment and standing still long enough to make a better choice.

We know better, but we don’t always do better. It’s the classic struggle Paul alludes to so painfully in Romans 7:19; “For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want.”

We seem to be wired to avoid discomfort and surf the emotions of the moment by cracking a joke or numbing our feelings. Or we bully our way through it with an air of false confidence. But we will never fully grow into the men and women God created us to be unless we learn how to stand in the present and hold its potential for a better truth, albeit uncomfortable.

Knowing what is happening inside us during times of stress especially as it relates to our cravings, temptations, and habits is the first line of defense. Here, in this small space of awareness is great place to harness the potential of the present moment and make room to stop the spiral of rogue emotions and lean on God when our flesh is failing.

Be sure to take time today to capture this moment and harness its potential. God has a beautiful new truth just for you.

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Tell Me More:

  1. When are you most likely to avoid discomfort? 
  2. How can you resist following rogue emotions down the rabbit hole of a bad decision?
  3. Be sure to acknowledge the moment—stand still and hold it before it passes you by.