Cultivating curiosity is about applying a “why” mindset to whatever isn’t working in your life.

By definition, curiosity is an attitude or an approach to life that is birthed out of a strong desire to know or learn something. It starts with a sense of wonder and searches for confirmations and manifestations along the way.

Important to remember is that curiosity, at its core, is not focused on being right. Instead, it is focused on getting it right. Big difference. And achieving that end calls for a different kind of approach.

Our main goal in this process of change is to get unstuck and move into the place God has been preparing for us.

Curiosity calls us to be sojourners of life, taking one brave step at a time into new territory and new terrain. This can cause us to feel unsteady on our feet while testing the waters and learning how to trust while leaving behind the comfort of what’s been familiar to us.

We may have to tread and travail for a while in order to rethink the status quo and grow past our current understanding, attitudes, and beliefs. And it may take stepping out of our present pain to search for God and follow Him into a different place of existence.

Either way, we set our sights on discovery and search out creative ways to solve the problems that pop up or have held us hostage too long.

Our challenge this week is to cultivate curiosity into a specific area of life. A difficult relationship. A frustrating situation. Or habit that needs changing.

It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out. (Proverbs 25:2)

  • How do you think curiosity can help you navigate a current problem?
  • Think of a creative way to build the habit of curiosity into your daily routine.
  • Start with questions, explore options, consider alternatives, and use different lenses of focus.

Prayer is just a conversation with God. Talk to Him about what you learned and what you need from Him today.

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.


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The Daily Crave is delivered on Monday for you to explore one spiritual principle and how to put it into practice each day of the week. You can go deeper with questions, comments, and extra support by following the journey on Instagram @beyondthecraving or visiting the website