Do you love shoes? Like really love shoes? Yeah, me too.
So we are going to have some fun and talk shoes today. Not necessarily the fashion-forward kind, but the spiritual kind. And even if they don’t appear to be the prettiest ones on the shelf you can rest assure they hold a divine power to change how you walk through the trials of this crazy life.
Scripture is clear that we are called to stand strong in the struggles of this life. But in order to do so we need to put on and learn how to wear the full armor of God—literally, head to toe, and more specifically helmet to shoes. We see this in Ephesians 6:13-18 where Scripture catalogs seven strategic pieces of armor, each one designed to strengthen us in specific areas of weakness and vulnerability.
This armor is intended to ready us for the wars of this life, be it worries that keep us awake at night or navigating the more sinister traumas of relational pain. Spiritually fitted shoes are the only ones that will do.
To help us understand, consider soldiers in a war zone—they need certain types of shoes. Ones that can traverse difficult and unpredictable terrain with safety and stability. Much in the same way, God directs us to wear specific shoes when walking through the mine fields of our lives. Only these shoes are spiritual in nature and enable us to walk in the way of peace. Their purpose, much like a battle-worn soldier is to protect and stabilize.
Inevitably, we will come face-to-face with the storms of life—loss of a job, a family member gets seriously sick, a car accident, a rebellious child—and we will be tempted to focus on the faltering circumstances surrounding us. But if we are prepared with peace at the forefront of the storm, then it will protect us and anchor our footing as we trust God to work behind the scenes for a greater good.
And yet, beyond their power to produce peace, these spiritual shoes leave a footprint for those who walk with us and behind us. So next time you find yourself facing a difficult situation, lace up your spiritual shoes. And as you walk through the tough and uncertain terrain, let the peace of God guide your steps and steady your restless heart.
“Turn from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.“ (Psalm 34:14)
- In what situation do you need some peace today?
- If you allowed peace to penetrate this particular situation, how would it change it?
- Why wouldn’t you pursue peace at this time? How would this decision impact the situation?
Prayer is just a conversation with God. Talk to Him about what you learned and what you need from Him today.
Be bold. Be brave. Be free.
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