I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing (1 Corinthians 9:26)

One thing we know about changing habits is that they don’t, and won’t, change on their own. So in order to change what we do we need to capitalize on daily opportunities that help us make better decisions.

This week we will focus on five targets for change and how to build them into our daily routine.

I’m a big believer in the power of repetition. Using these focuses as a daily practice will give purpose to your step. Set a reminder on your phone. Write them down. Pray through them and ask for help.  

Start your morning with the Daily 5 in mind. Allow them to weave in and out of your thoughts and influence your actions throughout the day. And if you are really in the overachieving mode, journal the wins and losses in the evening to fine-tune a better game plan.

I’ve listed five practices to help you get started. But feel free to create your own list. Either way, give this a good try. It has the potential to change not only your day, but the year ahead.

Daily Focus 5

1. Set your intention

2. Create space in your decision process

3. Be brave and do it anyway (courage over comfort) 

4. Celebrate the small wins

5. Relax and Refuel 

In using these strategies for change it’s important to disengage our autopilot settings and switch over to manual for a while. Doing so makes us more mindful and being more mindful helps us to make better decisions.

Keep in mind, the Daily 5 can evolve over time. What works for me might not work for you. Use what works, ditch the rest.

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Discover & Discuss

  • Make a list of five mindful practices that will help you make better decisions when it comes to the habits you want to develop or change.
  • How can you restructure your day to honor these practices.
  • Evaluate what works and what doesn’t, then make adjustments.

Lord God, teach me how to set my focus on thinking better thoughts, making better decisions, and living a life that reflects the work you are doing in me. ~Amen