Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28)

Our lives are made up of many different rhythms. Some of which we choose and some that choose us. We ebb and flow through tasks, relationships, and every kind of emotion. Most of the time at a frenzied and chaotic pace.

Take a moment to assess your current life flow. Are you one who is wired with high octane and spin your wheels until you sputter out of energy? Or do you tend to get stuck in the mire of the mundane? 

Regardless of the current tempo, our most optimal life rhythm is found when we can build rest into the places that cause us undue stress or consume us with anxiety, anger, or fear. Our challenge this week is building more rhythms of rest into our daily life.

Rest is hard to find in the crazed lives we live so we need to be intentional about creating moments of rest. Restfulness doesn’t have to be sleep, although it can be. It can be a peaceful moment of closing your eyes, taking a walk, reading a devotion, or grabbing coffee with a friend and just listening. 

The point is to build restful practices into your day that allow your soul to slow down and exhale. Start by looking for opportunities to quiet your mind and body in order to connect with the peaceful presence of your creator. 

I promise, when you enter His rest you will re-enter your life flow more energized than before. Not only that, you will be able to approach problems with a new perspective because you have allowed enough room for God impart wisdom and calm the storms of emotion within.

Rest is paramount to a powerful life. When we invest even a small amount of time to connect with God, we experience soul restoration, mental rejuvenation, and physical transformation.

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Discover & Discuss

  • What part of your life flow could use a more restful rhythm? Work, relationships, recreation?
  • Pick one rhythm of rest to build in to your daily routine?
  • Make a commitment to pursue more pockets of rest this week.