His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little, I will put you in charge of many things; share in the joy of your master.’ (Matthew 25:23)

Here, at Beyond The Craving, it’s important to remember the value of progress over perfection. Keeping our sights on what’s ahead and not what’s behind allows us to focus on the change we want to make because it’s difficult to move forward while looking back. 

Even so, grasping the lesson that small steps matter can be challenging. We are trained from an early age that perfection is the only path to success. Working harder, longer, smarter is not only ingrained into the fabric of our humanity, but it is affirmed and celebrated with a cultural crown.

However, as Christians, we are taught that humility is a key part of perseverance because it forces us to accept our human faults and get back up and on with the tasks at hand. 

This week our focus is on putting one foot in front of the other. Because it matters. Progress matters. Taking intention steps, little by little, really does matter. And here in lies the principle of potential. The power of progress. And the pursuit of divine joy. 

It doesn’t happen just because we want it to happen or because we force it to happen. Progress and growth happen because we keep in-step with God’s plan and are quick to get back on track when we veer off course. 

The parable above describes what a faithful servant looks like. Take a minute to think about your life journey. Where are you stuck? Is God calling you to forget what lies behind and commit to one small step forward?

Keeping in-step with the Spirit is a sure way to make progress, achieve promotion, and grow into your God-inspired potential. 

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Discover & Discuss

  • Where is God asking you to put one foot in front of the other? 
  • What area are you being asked to be faithful and trustworthy?
  • How can you take one small step into the potential you were designed for?