But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves (2 Corinthians 4:7) 

We’ve all heard the adage—the attitude of gratitude—and yes, gratitude is a state of mind. But more than that gratitude is a gift. A gift that is only discovered by being present in the moment. By taking time to look for something to appreciate and celebrate. To see it and acknowledge it has value.

All too often we get stuck in the discontentment of life. We wrestle with not enough and allow our thoughts to compete with what we believe should be versus what actually is. But God has a gift for us—one of power and perspective that goes far beyond our human capabilities. 2 Corinthians 4:7 describes it as a treasure to be discovered.

This gift offers wisdom when we are unsure. Peace in tension. And power in our weakness. And yet, this gift hides in the shadows of gratitude. So in order to access the surpassing greatness of power in any kind of present pain we will need to do a little work to unwrap it. 

Start small. Use these three prompts to help you develop a practice of gratitude—pause, ponder and praise. It’s a simple as that. Offer the moment to God. Ask Him to give it back with a new perspective. This shift will transform how you endure the difficult parts of life by allowing contentment to inform your thoughts and produce a peace that settles a restless soul. 

My guess is you will discover the joy hidden inside the gift of right now.

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Discover & Discuss

  • Choose one area of discontentment in your life and give it to God. Ask Him to help you see it through a different lens.
  • Try shifting your thoughts when this specific discontentment starts to take over and challenge yourself to look for the good in the present moment.
  • Use the 3 P’s to help you remember the gift of right now—pause, ponder, praise.