Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? (Matthew 7:3)

Does life feel a little unsteady right now as you transition back into life after a year-long pause? If so, you are more than likely feeling the pinch to re-enter business as usual, and although that feels good after all this time, it may also feel strange and a little awkward.

This experience is new territory for all of us. And new is not wrong, it’s just uncomfortable. So to set the stage for a smart re-entry we will do a little prep work. However, this work will require us to get honest about the elephant in our room.

Truth is, we know when there’s an elephant in the room at a family gathering, a work meeting, or among friends. But naming the personal elephant taking up enormous space in our thoughts is another matter altogether. 

Naming your elephant gives you the opportunity to reset expectations and plan your next steps with purpose.

To help us name our elephant let’s start by asking two questions: 

  1. What is causing me to feel unsteady (relationships, work, or some aspect of life)? 
  2. What have I learned over the past year and how can I bring it with me as I re-enter this new cultural landscape?

These two questions will help you identify a longing that needs to be acknowledged and provide an opportunity to build a guardrail to steady your steps upon re-entry.

Whether you are scared of re-entry or excited to emerge from the fog of being isolated far too long, a smart re-entry is yours to have. Take some time to uncover the elephant that is making you feel unsteady. Then make a point to reset expectations and plan a pace that is right for you.

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Discover & Discuss

  • Where are you feeling unsteady? Name your elephant.
  • What have you learned over the last year that you want to take with you into this new year?
  • How can you use these insights to steady your next steps forward?