Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16)

One thing I’ve learned over the years of traveling the tough terrain of life as a single mom is that God has always been with me, is always available, and always quick to comfort me in my wandering, my waiting, and even the inconsolable pain of my unanswered questions.

But even in the confidence of His steadfast presence I still sometimes forget to ask for help when I need it most. Maybe it’s because my emotions are running the show and my thoughts race with human resolutions.

How about you? Are you quick to shift into auto-pilot and try to fix things yourself instead of going to God first and asking Him for help? 

We hide behind self-sufficiency and run ourselves ragged under the heavy weight of high expectations all in an effort to escape our longing for rescue. But when longing feels like need, instinct looks an awful lot like impulse. And against our better judgment, we jump before we look where we are going without considering the cost.

In order to make our choices matter, our prompt this week is to counter-balance our instinct to do it alone. We will do this with a simple ask. A call to action. Yet, this call to action takes a dueling posture of surrender and mental fortitude because we will have to resist impulse and ask for help before we are in the throws of our instinct to do otherwise.

Especially when it comes to habits that keep us stuck or anxieties that steal our joy, learning the value in this lesson of asking for help before it’s too late is critical to making better choices in moments of stress.

This simple ask has the power to change everything. 

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Discover & Discuss

  • What issue or situations cause you to spin your wheels in an effort to go it alone?
  • Why do you wait to ask God for help when you need it most?
  • Practice surrender this week and be quick to ask for help.