Test everything; hold fast to what is good ~1 Thessalonians 5:21

The faith-styled life is one that is solid in spiritual disciplines and habits. With this in mind, we will unpack the first of seven foundational habits this week: Discernment.  

Simply put, discernment is the ability to judge well. It is a discipline as much as it is a skill. And given that we are spiritual beings our ability to discern between right and wrong, good and bad, is as much a result of our deeply-rooted beliefs as it is cultural customs and norms.

For this reason, we will focus our energies on instituting the practice of critical awareness to help us develop the habit of discernment.

Undoubtedly, our ability to discern a situation and apply truth quickly helps us make good decisions in all matters of life. In fact, this skill is vital to changing habits in which we feel stuck. By applying critical awareness in moments of tension and temptation, we are more likely to avoid compromise and make a better decision.

But how do we practice critical awareness when emotions are flying and the situation feels unpredictable? 

All things considered, critical awareness starts and ends with trust. We must trust that God is guiding us in wisdom and truth. Once this gut-level instinct is settled, then the skill of being attentive and attuned to what is going on in us and around us will come much easier.

So when you find yourself in a situation that requires discernment this week, try simplifying this task by practicing the following 3-P’s—ponder, process, proceed.

First, observe the situation and gather information. Second, evaluate the evidence through filters of experience, reasoning, and faith. Then, take a brave step forward trusting the wisdom within. Doing so will help you make a better decision every time.

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Tell Me More:

(1) Is there a situation, relationship, or habit you need more discernment?

(2) How can you remember to practice critical awareness in the moment of tension or temptation?

(3) Try using the 3-P’s of discernment this week to help you make a better decision.