Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit ~John 15:2

This week we are exploring our fourth FaithStyle habit: Essentialism. 

Essentialism is not a new concept. In fact, it’s not only a pop culture practice of today, but it’s also quite biblical. We see the principle at play in John 15, where Jesus teaches the parable of pruning.

Our modern-day definition of Essentialism is based on doing less and pursuing only those things that are truly important—the essentials. By eliminating the non-essentials you make way for your highest point of contribution. All that to say—doing less makes way for mastering more.

So in order to establish a more streamlined flow to our life, we will practice the skill of pruning, specifically pruning with a purpose. And to get started, our first task is to ask God for guidance. 

Prayer journaling is a great way to pull thoughts from your head and onto paper in order to see patterns with a clearer perspective. But if journaling isn’t your forte then simply talking to God or even a friend can get the job done.

The point is to get an idea of the flow of your life. Namely what you’re doing and why. This process will help identify possible non-essentials that are robbing you and your time from God’s best for you.

Be sure to explore the things God is prompting you to pursue and align your essentials accordingly. This practice is a game-changer. Especially as it relates to breaking bad habits and creating new and better ones.

Remember, the key to achieving essentialism in your everyday life is unlocked with the practice of pruning.

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Tell Me More:

  1. What is one area or activity that you can eliminate this week to create more margin in your life?
  2. Is there a mental practice that can help you in your effort to stay the course when it gets tough?
  3. Name the ‘why’ behind the change you want to make and play it on repeat when your resolve starts to wane.