The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance ~Psalm 16:6

Our sixth FaithStyle habit is centered around establishing boundaries that serve to promote healthy relationships, an authentic sense of self, and a life that honors God. 

Boundaries can be physical or emotional and are as much for our protection as for those who migrate in and out of our life circles. In fact, poor boundaries lead to resentment and burnout while healthy boundaries delineate expectations both parties can navigate together.

Nevertheless, setting boundaries is a skill. One that takes courage, introspection, and effort. And once mastered, can easily become a habit. This is our goal—get good at identifying, establishing, and practicing boundaries.

Even so, setting boundaries can be uncomfortable and cause tension in relationships. As a result, you can expect push back because change is hard and everyone holds fast to their own expectations. When this happens, extend grace to yourself and the other person but don’t give up. Follow-through is part of the practice. 

In your effort to establish and maintain a new boundary it is important to use authenticity as a guide. This will ensure the boundary being set is aligned to your God-given identity of who you are and who you were created to be.

You can explore and measure your authenticity through a self-reflection inventory and ask God to revel the one area or one relationship or one boundary that needs your attention. Being honest and open about your feelings, fears, as well as short comings will prove valuable in attuning the outcome you desire. 

Keep in mind, authenticity requires courage, not recklessness, and a balance of Grace and Truth. It paves the way for a well-lived FaithStyled kind of life!

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Tell Me More:

  1. Do some self-reflection and take an authenticity inventory. Identify one area or relationship in your life that needs a boundary.
  2. Start small. What is one step you can take to establish a better defined boundary in this situation?
  3. Think about ways this boundary could be challenged or ignored and make a plan to counter with consistency.