Be still, and know that I am God ~Psalm 46:10

When trying to change a habitual thought pattern or behavior it is critical to cultivate soul-space. The goal is to create just enough space in the moment of tension to widen the decision gap so you can make a different and better decision.

Initiating this pause is foundational to breaking a bad habit, mitigating anxiety, and interrupting the negative mind chatter that plays on loop during times of stress. This is accomplished through a spiritual practice—Pause and Pray.

The Pause and Pray technique is simple and should only take a minute of your time. It incorporates deep breathing and mindful connection to create a calm space when emotions are high and resolve is low.

Even so, making this decision in a moment of stress is hard to do. Why? Because we’ve been hardwired to respond to our emotions. When this happens instinct overrides reason and triggers us to react, most of the time without much thought.

Without fail, we fall on the altar of powerlessness unless we can find a way to resist our desire to seek immediate gratification and escape discomfort. But in order to resist we need to create space from these emotional cues. And this is where the practice of creating Soul Space proves useful. 

Taking a single moment to pause and slow yourself down long enough to pray allows God, our power source to become our place of retreat. Stepping into His presence creates a sacred space for which we can rest our adrenaline-soaked souls.

Additionally, this is also where we shift from will-power to His-power in order to make a different and better decision. 

Once this technique becomes your first line of defense it will not only prove to be the most beneficial 60 seconds of your day but has the power to change how you respond to stress the rest of your life.

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.

Tell Me More:

  1. What situations or triggers create an emotional tailspin for you?
  2. Practice the Pause and Pray technique multiple times today in different situations.
  3. Notice feelings that cause resistance and find a way to troubleshoot them.