Whether we like it or not most of us are a product of our choices. This is just a simple fact. Sometimes we are wise. And sometimes we’re not.

But it is often our reaction that gets us into trouble. We let our feelings run the show and we react to a person, situation or event that triggers us to make a less than stellar decision.

We know better, but we don’t always do better. It’s the classic struggle Paul alludes to so painfully in Romans 7:19; “For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want.”

Taking a breath in the moment of heightened emotion is a challenge but it’s here, in the middle of that messy moment, that the Spirit steps in to provide the wisdom we need. That is, if we listen long enough.

Easier said than done. I get it. Some of us are wired to avoid discomfort at all costs, and surf the emotions of the moment by cracking a joke or numbing our feelings. Others of us bully our way through it with an air of false confidence. But we will never fully grow into the men and women God created us to be unless we learn how to stand in the present (with all it’s messy emotions) and hold out hope for the potential of a better way, the way of wisdom.

Knowing what is happening (inside us) during times of stress, especially as it relates to our cravings, temptations, and habits, is crucial to this process of change. Harnessing this small pocket of self-awareness allows us the opportunity to stop the spiral of rogue emotions long enough so we can lean on God when our flesh is failing.

Today and this week as emotions ebb and flow from situation to situation, be sure to create some space for a little self-awareness. If you can remember to push pause in that messy moment, you are giving yourself a chance to change.

God will be waiting for you there with a beautiful new truth. Go ahead and ask Him. Lean in and listen for the way of wisdom He has just for you.

Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10)

  • When are you most likely to avoid discomfort?
  • How can you resist following rogue emotions down the rabbit hole of a bad decision?
  • Try standing still in the moment of a messy emotion next time it comes around and hold a little space for wisdom to make a better way.

Prayer is just a conversation with God. Talk to Him about what you learned and what you need from Him today.

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.


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