Our goal on this journey of change is to actually change, right? But change is hard. Honestly, it’s hard for everyone. But it’s possible.

God gives us wise instruction in His word. Our part is to put it into practice. In our scripture for today, we are called to shift our focus from our wayward desires that have gotten us into trouble and continue to trip us up to a better focus, one that is life-giving and will support our effort to follow in the footsteps of faith.

Easier said than done. Ok. I get it.

Unfortunately, this is a daily choice. Maybe even a constant battle of wills all day long, especially at first. But this process of shifting our focus, and forcing our thoughts away from that which is drawing us into sin and the pit from which we are trying to escape is a choice even if it doesn’t feel like it.

In the moments of emotional struggle when the fight is tough and you don’t feel like you have anything to give, you’ll need to rely on what you understand to be true, and that’s the word of God. Lean on His presence to pull you through. Let Him be your first line of defense.

Call on Him, “Lord, help me.” It’s a simple and honest request. Trust me, He will hear you and help you. He won’t do it for you. He won’t force you against your own will but He will help you.

We will never see the other side of change until we get this first step, this critical choice of surrender, turning from self and what we want in that moment, even though what we want has the potential to hurt us, we still choose it unless we make a concerted effort to stop the spiral and make a new and better choice.

This is the precise moment where opportunity creates a pocket of potential. Embrace it. Make it happen. The more you push past the pain of discomfort and experience the hope of something new and better, the easier it becomes to do it again. And then again. Until you are on the other side of the change you’ve been working hard to make.

You got this! Give it a try today when temptation comes knocking. Trust the process and push through the pain. Good things are waiting for you. This much I know is true.

”Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception.“ (Ephesians 4:22)

  • When you’re in trouble, do you turn to God or other things?
  • How do you handle stress, disappointment, and other hard emotions?
  • In what part of your life do you need to turn to God and trust He will help you?

Prayer is just a conversation with God. Talk to Him about what you learned and what you need from Him today.

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.


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