Sometimes I just make myself crazy. I know what to do so why don’t I do it? Or why do I keep doing something I know is bad for me?

The struggle is real. Paul describes this inner conflict as a war with his mind and is true for anyone who has felt trapped in a self-defeating cycle of bad habits, negative mindsets, or harmful behaviors.

If you’ve been on a journey of change for a while now you’ve probably tried lots of things—expensive programs, mind games, maybe even some crazy alternatives that promise change but only make things worse.

Truth is this battle is beyond what we are doing and goes deeper into the recesses of our thoughts, motivations, and beliefs.

This is a battle for our mind.

Paul identifies “another power” that works against us pulling us toward choices that contradict our deepest convictions.

If you are like me you have a deep desire to change but wanting to change isn’t enough. Willpower isn’t enough. Breaking cycles of defeat takes time, energy, a commitment to see the process through. You will experience just as many wins and you do losses. But don’t give up.

Paul’s struggle in Romans 7 is like our own—but it’s not the end of the story.

Keep showing up. Keeping asking the tough questions. Get to know your battleground. What triggers you to engage in the habit or behavior you’re trying to break? What thoughts play on loop inside your head? How can you connect to Christ in these moments and fight the good fight?

Understanding this battle of wills and that it is taking place in your mind can give you the upper hand. Take some time today to think about your thoughts and how this battle plays out loud inside your head.

“I love God’s law with all my heart. But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me.” (Romans 7:22-23)

  • In what ways do you see your old nature struggling with your new nature on a daily basis?
  • How can you set yourself up for success in these situations?
  • Why is it necessary to remove yourself from temptation instead of just looking the other way or simply praying about it?

Prayer is just a conversation with God. Talk to Him about what you learned and what you need from Him today.

Be bold. Be brave. Be free.


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