How To Create Soul Space

How To Create Soul Space

Be still, and know that I am God ~Psalm 46:10 When trying to change a habitual thought pattern or behavior it is critical to cultivate soul-space. The goal is to create just enough space in the moment of tension to widen the decision gap so you can make a different...
Standing Firm in the Fight

Standing Firm in the Fight

It is for freedom that Christ set us free, stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery ~Galatians 5:1 We all have habits we want to break. This struggle is a natural bent of our human condition. We seek to satisfy cravings and...
FaithStyle Habit 7: Prayer

FaithStyle Habit 7: Prayer

The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth ~Psalm 145:18 This week we are unpacking our seventh and final FaithStyle habit: Prayer. All the FaithStyle habits are foundational to a well-lived life and the habit of prayer is no exception....
FaithStyle Habit 6: Boundaries

FaithStyle Habit 6: Boundaries

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance ~Psalm 16:6 Our sixth FaithStyle habit is centered around establishing boundaries that serve to promote healthy relationships, an authentic sense of self, and a life...
FaithStyle Habit 5: Fruitfulness

FaithStyle Habit 5: Fruitfulness

Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness ~James 3:18 This week, as we continue to build a FaithStyled life, we will explore our fifth habit: Fruitfulness.  Not only are we are created in God’s image but we are called to be fruitful. We see...