A Faith-Styled Life

Are you tired of struggling with the same bad habit? Or do you feel powerless to change the rhythm or pace of life no matter what you do? This has been my journey too. As a single-mom for 17 years, I never felt like I had enough margin to create the life I...

Flip The Script

We all have personal scripts that play on loop. Some are helpful while others are not. Our minds race with opinions, attitudes, and beliefs and if we don’t challenge the toxic thoughts that create negative narratives then we are sure to stay stuck in our unhealthy...

Faith-Informed Freedom

What area of life do you need more freedom? The essence of freedom is based on principle of boundlessness. By this definition, freedom is intuitive in nature. Stalwart in stance. And often referred to as containing certain inalienable rights. As such, freedom opposes...

First Response To Anxiety

What’s your first response to anxiety? As creatures of habit we develop certain reactions to anxiety, most of which are not healthy. All too often, these reactions are more like overreactions, which come as a result of our past experiences and tend to follow us...

In The Shadows Of Gratitude

We’ve all heard the adage—the attitude of gratitude—and yes, gratitude is a state of mind. But with a spiritual lens gratitude is actually a gift of great power. A gift that is only discovered by being present in the moment. By taking time to look for something we can...

House Rules

‘Be kind’ is an adage we see everywhere these days. Is it an invitation? A conviction? Or a stance? Perhaps it’s all of these. Regardless, the intention is to spread a message of kindness—to be kind to others in our collective house. And it’s a good message with...