Here you will find everything you need to grow in your faith with daily prompts, faith-based content, and encouragement to help you pursue an integrated lifestyle of health and wholeness.
I keep it short and sweet [2 minutes tops] and you are on your way to a great day. A quick reset will set you up for success.
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The New Order
Yesterday we unpacked the importance of turning our eyes and therefore our thoughts away from the one thing, be it a habit, behavior, or pattern of anxiety that continues to hold us hostage. So where do we set our sights and put our focus if it's not on what is so...
The Old Order
Our goal on this journey of change is to actually change, right? But change is hard. Honestly, it's hard for everyone. But it's possible. God gives us wise instruction in His word. Our part is to put it into practice. In our scripture for today, we are called to shift...
The Potential Of The Present
Whether we like it or not most of us are a product of our choices. This is just a simple fact. Sometimes we are wise. And sometimes we’re not. But it is often our reaction that gets us into trouble. We let our feelings run the show and we react to a person, situation...
A Second Look
There are moments in life that deserve a second look because more often than not life just doesn’t make sense. People can be hurtful and circumstances unpredictable. Truth is, life throws a lot of curve balls. Some of us ignore our pain and hope it will change on its...
Don’t Let Fear Have The Final Word
Fear is a bully. A cruel, browbeating tyrant that shouts insults at us when we are at our lowest. With no room to breathe or think, fear capitalizes on our weakness. If you've been stuck in a self-defeating cycle with a bad habit, negative mindset, or pattern of...
In Pursuit Of Peace
Do you love shoes? Like really love shoes? Yeah, me too. So we are going to have some fun and talk shoes today. Not necessarily the fashion-forward kind, but the spiritual kind. And even if they don’t appear to be the prettiest ones on the shelf you can rest assure...
The Daily 5
One thing we know about changing habits is that they don’t, and won’t, change on their own. So in order to change what we do we need to rework a routine or two. Today we will focus on five mental targets that will help us with hard-to-change habits and how we can...
The War Within Me
Sometimes I just make myself crazy. I know what to do so why don’t I do it? Or why do I keep doing something I know is bad for me? The struggle is real. Paul describes this inner conflict as a war with his mind and is true for anyone who has felt trapped in a...
Partnership Of Power
Are you exhausted and tired of fighting the good fight by yourself? Frustrated because you have to white-knuckle your way through one craving after another? Perhaps it feels like you're doing all the heavy lifting, and still come up short. Today is a new day. And I...
Put It Into Practice
What is your ‘it’? You know, the thing you need to start doing or perhaps stop doing? Truth be told, your ‘it’ won’t change itself. You will have to put some kind of plan into practice, and then actually practice it. It’s been said, practice makes perfect. And in some...
Curiosity Is The Catalyst For Change
Cultivating curiosity is about applying a "why" mindset to whatever isn't working in your life. By definition, curiosity is an attitude or an approach to life that is birthed out of a strong desire to know or learn something. It starts with a sense of wonder and...
Build A Better Brand
Not all habits are created equal. Some have the power to hinder us while others have the power to help us. Thus, our goal is to replace a hindering habit with a helper habit and build a stronger foundation for the life we want to live. Even so, there are many reasons...
What’s In Your Bubble?
We’ve all heard the term Influencer. It paints a picture of someone chic, powerful, and effective in their pursuit, doesn’t it? Today we are going to tap into our own power to influence. Let's start with our thoughts. What do you think about? No really. Like if I...
Back On Track
The process of breaking bad habits and building better ones takes time, and some trial and error. Sometimes we make a mistake, take a wrong turn, and get off course. Because of this, we will practice a strategy known as course correction. In simple terms, course...
Do The Work
It was Albert Einstein who said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” So why do we do this? Why do we get stuck doing the same thing even when it clearly isn’t working? Well, I’m not sure about you but for...
The Power Of Emotional Agility
Emotions aren’t good or bad they are just indicators of what we are feeling; manifestations of how our biology interplays with our thoughts. But controlling our emotions and understanding them can be messy and difficult. And this is our challenge—learning how to...
A Faith-Styled Life: Prayer
Today we are unpacking our seventh and final FaithStyle habit: Prayer. All the FaithStyle habits are foundational to a well-lived life and the habit of prayer is no exception. Prayer is more than a practice, it is a relationship builder. I think sometimes we make this...
A Faith-Styled Life: Intention
Intention. It can be good or not so good. It’s often a goal or a plan that sets the stage for something you want to happen. So what is your intention for this season of life? When it comes to cleaning up your habits, mindsets, and behaviors have you set your sights on...