Here you will find everything you need to grow in your faith with daily prompts, faith-based content, and encouragement to help you pursue an integrated lifestyle of health and wholeness.

I keep it short and sweet [2 minutes tops] and you are on your way to a great day. A quick reset will set you up for success.

Sign up for FREE and receive these power-packed prompts in your inbox. In no time, you’ll be able to navigate your cravings in healthier ways, build better habits, and discover a more productive life!

Finding Freedom from Secret Sins

We all struggle with secret sins. Some more egregious than others. We hide behind habits and behaviors in hopes we won't be found out and we pretend they aren't hurting us or anyone else. Breaking free from hidden struggles starts with finding freedom through...

The New Order

Yesterday we unpacked the importance of turning our eyes and therefore our thoughts away from the one thing, be it a habit, behavior, or pattern of anxiety that continues to hold us hostage. So where do we set our sights and put our focus if it's not on what is so...

The Old Order

Our goal on this journey of change is to actually change, right? But change is hard. Honestly, it's hard for everyone. But it's possible. God gives us wise instruction in His word. Our part is to put it into practice. In our scripture for today, we are called to shift...

The Potential Of The Present

Whether we like it or not most of us are a product of our choices. This is just a simple fact. Sometimes we are wise. And sometimes we’re not. But it is often our reaction that gets us into trouble. We let our feelings run the show and we react to a person, situation...

A Second Look

There are moments in life that deserve a second look because more often than not life just doesn’t make sense. People can be hurtful and circumstances unpredictable. Truth is, life throws a lot of curve balls. Some of us ignore our pain and hope it will change on its...

Why Surrender Feels Wrong

Ambiguity is a real fact of life. We weave in and out of circumstances shifting from one uncertain foot to the other. Given that uncertainty in this life is certain, can you trust God when His direction for you is unclear? The Practice of surrendering anything is a...

Tame Your Triggers

Today our focus is on identifying the triggers that trip us up and keep us stuck in the habits and patterns of thinking that we want to change. They present in many forms: social, emotional, and physical. As a result, triggers can elicit extreme overwhelm and distress...

The Integrated Life

Whether we like it or not, we are in a battle. Life on earth can feel as if we are caught in the crosshairs of a diabolical struggle between faith and fear, our identity in the balance. Yet, as children of God, and therefore spiritual beings, we have the assurance...

Three-Day Stretch

Have you ever noticed that it’s hard to get past the first three days of changing a habit? I call it the three-day stretch. The first day we feel strong, excited, expectant. Our resolve is at an all-time high.  The second day feels like more of a struggle. Our will...

Take A Time Out

What do you do when you don’t know what to do? Or you do know what to do and you can’t seem to make yourself do it? In these moments of indecisiveness we could use a little help. A little wisdom. Maybe even a little nudge to get us going in the right direction. And...

Simplify Your System

There is a great quote by James Clear that says, “You don’t rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” Meaning—goals set the direction but systems make or break your success. Goals are just our intentions spelled out. For some this...

Work Smarter Not Harder

Self-awareness is key to changing hard-wired habits, negative mindsets, and managing the anxiety that continues to keep us locked up. Without it we will fall back into old patterns and undesirable behaviors quickly. And yet, this kind of introspection can be hard to...

Courage To Change

Do you have the courage to change? No, really? Change is hard. We don't like to change because it's uncomfortable and it takes courage to sit in the discomfort of change. Have I mentioned I'm glad you're here? I think you're brave and you're willingness to be here is...

Student Of The Storm

Gosh, I love a good storm, don’t you? The kind where the rain pelts the windows and the thunder rides on the wings of the wind. That is, when I am hemmed in by the safety of thick walls and a sturdy roof over my head. Even better when I am curled up in a cozy blanket,...

Holding The Tension

Challenged by the tension of change? When it comes to changing habits and mindsets, there's a lot of tension. We fight it because we we've experienced failure and discouragement. Most of us know what to do but for one reason or another are still unable to do it. It's...

Counterfeit Comforts

Counterfeit comforts are lesser loves and shadows of the real thing. They can be people, places, or things that we seek to satisfy a craving and often act as a sanguine substitute that overpromises and under-delivers. Yet we are quick to entertain them because it’s...

One Brave Step

Here at Beyond The Craving we are all about taking action. Putting one brave foot in front of the other. But all too often we get stuck, backslide into old habits, or just forget to try. Breaking bad habits, managing anxiety, and overcoming negative mindsets requires...

Beyond The Craving

Beyond The Craving

Craving. It’s a loaded word. Even reading it can evoke visceral feelings that swell in your gut and send images dancing in your head. And since craving is universal to the human condition it has the power to drive us to survive while at the same time can hold us...



Welcome to THE DAILY CRAVE. The Daily Crave is way to build a habit of putting spiritual principles into practice so you can pursue a life of power, purpose, and greater impact.  Who doesn't need that?! I know I do because habits don’t just happen. They are built over...

Lessons Over Losses

Lessons Over Losses

Look for a lesson in your loss and discover the purpose hidden in the pain.

What’s Your System?

What’s Your System?

Understand how your spiritual DNA drives you to stretch beyond who you are to who you’ve been created to be.

Own Your Truth

Own Your Truth

Take ownership of your actions with brave accountability and break the silence that is holding you hostage.